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Morrowind Restore Magicka Spell

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There is at least one mod out there that (supposedly, haven't tried it) gives you a 'restore magicka' spell (paradox city if you think about it). I may try this and put it on a constant-effect item. To get regenerating health, press the cheat to restore health (open the stats menu, highlight health and press Black,White,Black,Black,Black and hold A), but as it fills up, keep holding A, but press B at the same time. You now have regenerating health. Its exactly the same with magicka, only the button combo is Black White White Black White.

To use these spells, open the console window and type: Player-addspell 'SPELLNAME'. You must use the quotes if there is a space in the spell name. These are the spell names and what they do: Spirit Knife Adds Spirit Knife; Soul Trap Adds Soul Trap (useless without soul gems) Water Breathing Adds Water Breathing; Levitate Adds Levitate. Restore Magicka is not normally available in spell form. I made a spell that gives access to the effect without making it available for spell making, as well as making it deliberately inefficient so as to not replace other methods of getting mana back.Being a selfless and kind sort of fellow, I bought the wife a gift yesterday - ES4: Oblivion (and the required DVD drive). 

But with only one copy, I need to wait to play it.

That's fine, I never finished Morrowind - although recent threads got me to pull it out again and give it another shot. It's a heck of a lot prettier with all of the various graphics replacers - Better Bodies, Better Heads, some of the weapon replacers. I'm also using Assassin's Armory, Combat Enhanced, Morrowind Comes Alive, Partners, and one of the Herbalism mods.

My current character is a Breton nightblade, high in the Thieves Guild and House Hlaalu, and somehow I actually seem to be following the main quest. (I never bothered to go talk to the Ashlanders before, and now I'm working on the Fourth and Fifth trials).

I'm probably going to finish the main quest with him and then do something totally different - I discovered the 'Nerevar say Nerevar' mod (which sets the game after the main quest is finished) so I'm thinking about going and playing a character without the 'weight of prophecy' on his shoulders. Maybe a Telvanni sorcerer. With that in mind:

What's your favorite 'alternate start' mod? I know there are some that set you up in places other than the ship at Seyda Neen, and there's a whole big list at Empirical Morrowind. Has anyone used Paths of Life? Is it compatible with any of the other alternate beginnings mods?

What's your favorite house/stronghold/stronghold expander? I have the Balmora Thieves' Hideout in my current game, although it included some stuff that seemed pretty 'cheaty' (I should have left that out). I've also got Rethan Expansion. What's good out there, especially over in Telvanni country? What should I stay away from?

What are your favorite magic tweaks? I love the Herbalism mod I have - no opening plants and they vanish after you collect them - but what else should I get for a 'pure' magic type? Has anyone tried out 'Infernal Summoning'?

What are your favorite graphics mods? I already know I'm keeping Better Bodies and Better Heads - the improvement is astounding. What else brings the pretty?

And last, What other mods would you never play without? I'm talking your 'desert island' mods, the ones you'd have on there if they were the only mods you were allowed to have (and you couldn't turn them off.)

Answer early, answer often, help my marital status by keeping me entertained with Morrowind until mrsn finishes Oblivion!


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Free file conversion word to pdf. Use the above links or scroll down see all to the PC cheats we have available for The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.Get Ultimate Weapons

 There is a way to make an ultimate weapon realeasy. Just go find someone that enchants and geta soul gem with a soul in it and some spells youwould like to be as a weapon effect. Then justfill in the slots at the enchanting screen andviola! You got an ultimate weapon. (if you madeit that way.)Easy Way Around Solstheim

If you are not an Argardion and are tring to getto the other end of Solstheim and don't want toworry about wolves, bears, or worst of allwerewolves than you should start a new game andchoose an Argardion as you player and you can goaround the island using your Argardion's abiletyto breath water. The only thing in the watersaround that island are these things that lookslike a wolres or a seal just uglier, but theydon't attack you.Artifact Codes

*Wraithguard left wraithguard_jury_rig

*Wraithguard right wraithguard

*Sunder sunder

*Keening keening

*Shadow Shield shadow_shield

*Moon-and-Star moon_and_star

*Stalhrim Longsword of Flame BM ice longsword_FG_Unique

*Mace of Aevar Stone-Singer BM_Mace_Aevar_UNI

*Spear of the Hunter BM_hunterspear_unique

*Hunter's Amulet of Strength bm_amulstr1

*Hunter's Amulet of Speed bm_amulspd1

*Hircine's Ring BM_ring_hircine

*Trueflame (without flame) nerevarblade_01

*Trueflame(with flame) nerevarblade_01_flame

*Hopesfire Sword of Almalexia

*Barilzar's Mazed Band mazed_band_endSecret Master's Equipment

*Player->AddItem 'pick_secretmaster' 1 Secret Master's Lockpick

*Player->AddItem 'probe_secretmaster' 1 Secret Master's Probe

*Player->AddItem 'repair_secretmaster_01' 1 Sirollus Saccus' Hammer

*Player->AddItem 'apparatus_sm_mortar_01' 1 SecretMaster's Mortar and Pestle

*Player->AddItem 'apparatus_sm_alembic_01' 1 SecretMaster's Alembic

*Player->AddItem 'apparatus_sm_calcinator_01' 1 SecretMaster's Calcinator

*Player->AddItem 'apparatus_sm_retort_01' 1 SecretMaster's RetortVampire Cheats

*StartScript 'vampire_quarra_PC' Turns your character into a Quarra Clan vampire

*StartScript 'vampire_berne_PC' Turns your character into a Berne Clan vampire

*StartScript 'vampire_aundae_PC' Turns you character into a Aundae Clan vampire

*startscript 'vampire_cure_pc' Cures vampirismDisposition Cheats

*setdisposition 100 Makes the targeted NPC love you.

*setdisposition 0 Makes the targeted NPC hate you.

*player->setreputation 255 Makes you really famous.

*player->setreputation 0 Makes you not famous.

*setpccrimelevel 0 remove bounty on your head (no longer breaking the law)Disease Immunity Cheats

*player->addspell 'Common Disease Immunity' Gives you immunity from all common diseases (also gives immunity from vampire bites)

*player->addspell 'Blight Disease Immunity' Gives you immunity from the Blight Disease

*player->addspell 'Corprus Immunity' Gives you immunity from CorprusGuild/faction Cheats

replace 'factionname' with the faction name you want to affect:

*pcjoinfaction 'factionname' Forces player into faction

*pcraiserank 'factionname' Raises player's rank in faction

*pclowerrank 'factionname' Lowers player's rank in faction

*PCClearExpelled 'factionname' Clears expulsion status from factionAbility And Power Cheats

*player->addspell 'Vivec_Abilities' Fortify Strength 100, Attack 50.

*player->addspell 'Royal_Blood' Fortify Heavy Armor, Block, Long Blade, etc.(Tribunal only)

*player->addspell 'Royal_Resistance' Resist magic, fire, ice, paralysis, etc. (Tribunal only)

*player->addspell 'regen_imperfect' Regenerate Magicka and Health (Tribunal only)

*player->addspell 'magicka mult bonus_15' Fortify Maximum Magicka 1.5x INT

*player->addspell 'immune to normal weapons' 100% Immune to normal weapons

*player->addspell 'Her_mirror' A series of reflect and shield effects; *very* powerful (Tribunal only)

*player->addspell 'Her_mirror_2' A series of reflect and shield effects; almost as powerful as the first Her_mirror ability. (Tribunal only)

*player->addspell 'Chameleon_100_unique' Chameleon 100%.

*player->addspell 'ghost ability' Chameleon 50%Spells

To use these spells, open the console window and type: Player->addspell 'SPELLNAME'. You must use the quotes if there is a space in the spell name. These are the spell names and what they do:

*Spirit Knife Adds Spirit Knife

*Soul Trap Adds Soul Trap (useless without soul gems)

*Water Breathing Adds Water Breathing

*Levitate Adds Levitate

*Mark Adds Mark (Useless without Recall)

*Recall Adds Recall (useless without Mark)

*Summon Scamp Adds Summon Scamp

*Summon Winged Twilight Adds Summon Winged Twilight

*Summon Frost Atronach Adds Summon Frost Atronach

*Summon Daedroth Adds Summon Daedroth

*Summon Bonelord Adds Summon Bonelord

*Summon Flame Atronach Adds Summon Flame Atronach

*Detect Creature Adds Detect Creature

*Restore Strength Adds Restore Strength

*Restore Intelligence Adds Restore Intelligence

*Restore Willpower Adds Restore Willpower

*Restore Agility Adds Retore Agility

*Restore Speed Adds Restore Speed

*Restore Personality Adds Restore Personality

*Restore Luck Adds Restore Luck

*Quicksilver Adds Quicksilver

*Bound Boots Adds Bound Boots

*Bound helm Adds Bound Helm

*Bound Shortsword Adds Bound Shortsword

*Bound Longsword Adds Bound Longsword

*Bound Longbow Adds Bound Longbow

*Bound Axe Adds Bound Axe

*Bound Spear Adds Bound Spear

*Bound Dagger Adds Bound Dagger

*Bound Club Adds Bound Club

*Fire Bite Adds Fire Bite

*Fireball Adds Fireball

*Flamebolt Adds Flamebolt

*God's Fire Adds God's Fire

*Frostbite Adds Frostbite

*Frost Adds Frost

*God's Frost Adds God's Frost

*Spark Adds Spark

*Shockball adds Shockball

*God's Spark Adds God's Spark

*Hearth Heal Add;s Hearth Heal

*Water Walking Adds Water Walking

*Buoyancy adds Buoyancy

*Chills adds Chills

*Vivec's Feast adds Vivec's Feast

*Vivec's Fury adds Vivec's Fury

*Vivec's Humility adds Vivec's Humility

*Vivec's Kiss adds Vivec's Kiss

*Vivec's Mercy adds Vivec's Mercy

*Vivec's Mystery adds Vivec's Mystery

*Vivec's Tears adds Vivec's Tears

*Vivec's_wrath adds Vivec's_Wrath

*Vampire's Kiss adds Vampire's Kiss

*Summon Clanfear adds Summon Clanfear

*Summon Golden Saint adds Summon Golden Saint

*Summon Least Bonewalker adds Summon Least Bonewalker

*summon_centurion_unique adds Dwemer Animunculi

*Summon Dremora adds Summon Dremora

*suicide_test adds Suicide (if you have less than 30 health, don't bother casting)

*Slowfall adds Slowfall

*Shockbite adds Shockbite

*Shrine *skill* skill adds Shrine *skill* skill (put a skill in the *skill* part like Shine Axe Skill)Cached

*Shard adds shardCommands For The Console Window

*BC Beta Comment

*PT Purges' Textures

*RA Resets Actors

*SA Show Animation

*SG Shows Group

*ST Shows Target

*SV Shows Variables

*TB Toggles Borders

*TG Toggles Grid

*TL Toggles Lights

*TM Toggles Menus

*TS Toggles Sky

*TW Toggles WOrld

*ORI Output Reference Info

*SCT Stop Cell Test

*SSG Show Scene Graph

*T3D Test Models

*TAI Toggles AI

*TCB Toggles Collision Boxes

*TCG Toggles Collision Grid

*TCL Toggles Collision

*TCS Toggles Combat Stats

*TFH Toggles Full Help

*TDS Toggles Dialog Stats

*TGM Toggles God Mode

*TKS Toggles Kill Stats

*TLF Toggles Load Fade

*TMS Toggles Magic Stats

*TPG Toggles Path Grid Display

*TSO Toggles Script Output

*TST Toggles Stats

*TTS Toggles Texture String

*TVM Toggles Vanity Mode

*TWA Toggles Water

*TWF Toggles Wireframe

*MOTO Moves one to one

*TFOW Toggles God of War

*FixMe Fixes Me (No idea what for though)

*TestCells Starts Exterior Cell Test

*TestInteriorCells Starts Interior Cell Test

*ToggleScripts Toggles ScriptsUnique Item Passwords

Open the console and type Player->additem 'ITEMNAME'.

*ring_khajiit_unique ring of khajiit

*ring_mentor_unique mentor's ring

*ring_wind_unique ring of the wind

*ring_surrounding_unique ring of surroundings

*ring_vampiric_unique vampiric ring

*ring_warlock_unique warlock's ring

*ring_denstagmer_unique denstagmer's ring

*ring_phynaster_unique ring of phynaster

*staff_hasedoki_unique staff of hasedoki

*staff_magnus_unique staff of magnus

*daedric_scourge_unique scourge

*daedric_crescent_unique crescent

*katana_goldbrand_unique goldbrand

*katana_bluebrand_unique eltonbrand

*spear_mercy_unique spear of bitter mercy

*dagger_fang_unique fang of heynekutnawhatever

*cuirass_savior_unique cuirass of the savior's hide

*boots_apostle_unique boots of the apostle

*helm_bearclaw_unique helm of oyren bearclaw

*spell_breaker_unique spell breakerDaedric Weapons Cheat Codes

*player -> AddItem 'daedric club' 1

*player -> AddItem 'daedric arrow' 1

*player -> AddItem 'daedric_crescent_unique' 1

*player -> AddItem 'daedric battle axe' 1

*player -> AddItem 'daedric dagger' 1

*player -> AddItem 'daedric claymore' 1

*player -> AddItem 'daedric dagger_mtas' 1

*player -> AddItem 'daedric dagger_soultrap' 1

*player -> AddItem 'daedric dai-katana' 1

*player -> AddItem 'daedric long bow' 1

*player -> AddItem 'daedric staff' 1

*player -> AddItem 'daedric warhammer' 1

*player -> AddItem 'daedric war axe' 1

*player -> AddItem 'daedric mace' 1

*player -> AddItem 'daedric longsword' 1

*player -> AddItem 'daedric tanto' 1

*player -> AddItem 'daedric warhammer_ttgd' 1

*player -> AddItem 'daedric katana' 1

*player -> AddItem 'daedric dart' 1

*player -> AddItem 'daedric spear' 1

*player -> AddItem 'daedric_scourge_unique' 1

*player -> AddItem 'daedric shortsword' 1

*player -> AddItem 'daedric wakizashi' 1

*player -> AddItem 'daedric wakizashi_ttgd' 1Weapon Cheat Codes

While playing, open the console window by pressing the ' ~ ' key. For cheatsthat affect your character, type: 'player->' followed by any of the codes from thelist below. To alter the amount you gain, enter a number after the code.

*additem katana_bluebrand_unique Katana Bluebrand

*additem katana_goldbrand_unique Katana Goldbrand

*additem glass_dagger_enamor Glass Dagger Enamor

*additem misc_soulgem_azura Misc. Soulgem Azura

*additem dwe_jinksword_curse_unique DWE Jinksword CurseIs There An Restore Magicka Spell In Morrowind? - The Elder ..

*additem banhammer_unique Banhammer

*additem Azura_star_unique Azura Star

*additem bonebiter_bow_unique Bonebiter Bow

*additem longsword_umbra_unique Longsword Umbra

*additem dagger_fang_unique Dagger Fang

*additem daedric_scourge_unique Daedric Scource

*additem daedric_club_tgdc Daedric Club

*additem ebony_bow_auriel Ebony Bow

*additem ebony_staff_tges Ebony Staff

*additem ebony_dagger_mehrunes Ebony Dagger

*additem magic_bolt Magic Bolt

*additem spark_bolt Spark Bolt

*additem shard_bolt Shard Bolt

*additem flame_bolt Flame BoltUnlock Anything!

Go into first person mode and click on your guythen open the console by pressing ~. Type additemskeleton_key 1Console Codes

To open up the console, press ~, or whatever key is next to your 1 key. Open up the console while in third person mode, and click on your guy. Here is a list of many codes (note: codes not case sensetive):

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